Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog 4A

"Brainwashed: Seven Ways to Reinvent Yourself” by Seth Godin is an article about the different approaches we can take to step out of what society expects us to be.  He begins by talking about how we have been brainwashed by the system.  How this system is creating average people for average jobs and if we were to ever step out of line the system would nudge us back to the center. “Show signs of real creativity, originality or even genius, and well-meaning parents, teachers and authority figures would eagerly line up to get you back in line.” 
Two of the seven ways to “reinvent yourself” are “Acknowledge the Lizard” and “Connect.” 

“Acknowledge the Lizard”
            The lizard he is referring to  a strand in our brain. This so called "Lizard brain" we have is the part of us that doesn't approve of rejection and worries about safety.  Being seen as a joke is the lizard brains worst nightmare and when our ideas get laughed at our art shuts down.  According to a man by the name of Stephen Pressfield, this shutting down is called the resistance.  The resistance is something inside of you telling you to follow instructions.  This resistance prevents us from taking risks.  When we refrain from the risk taking, our lizard brain takes control and we fall into society's average being.  If we become aware of the lizard brain, we can ignore it and reject this resistance. 

             Godin says that social media is a waste of time and people get distracted by its elements.  Some people are just so wrapped up in all of the antics such as keeping count of followers, friends and wall comments that they aren't seeing what really matters.  However, the digital media is an effective way to make connections.  Digital media takes us out of the isolation era we used to be.  Now a days we are connected in so many ways that were unavailable to us just a few years ago.  Other people are able to share their insight and interact with you on so many different levels.       
"What they mean to ME"
           When it comes to acknowledging the lizard, this blog will be a direct connection because I will not hold anything back.  Now that I have knowledge of this lizard brain it ultimately make me better person because I am aware of this resistance we have inside.  I will take risks and follow my ideas while following the instructions, of course. With the idea of Connecting, I'm not sure I completely agree with Godin.  I feel as though social networks are a great way to connect.  That's what these blogs are for... to connect socially and digitally. Connecting through social and digital media is a positive way to reinvent myself because there is always someone out there to help me to become a better individual.

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